Posted 1/2/2017 11:09 PM (GMT 0)
Thanks a lot, Traveler. I am cutting and pasting loads of info and have created a file to share with several struggling with Lymes. I read that some people have terrible anger issues with herxing. I saw a YL oil called White Angelica that helps your limbic system in your brain deal with negative emotions. Might be worth trying out. Here is an entire protocol I found on using YL essential oils to overcome Lymes.
There is a Young Living Distributor in Wisconsin, named Pamela Carpenter, who contracted Lyme disease 20 years ago and spent untold dollars on medical treatments to no avail. In fact, after years of failed attempts by the medical system, Pamela and her family were left $165,000 in debt and still no cure. She was eventually introduced to Young Living oils and Raindrop Technique. She now leads leads an active life, full of energy and accomplishments, virtually free of Lyme Disease symptoms.
According to Pamela, she was first introduced to Young living in 1999 at which time she had suffered from Lyme Disease for some ten years. A co-worker recommended that she try receiving Raindrop Technique. "So I bought all the oils for raindrop and a book," she reports, "and put them in my grandmother's cedar box on my dresser where they stayed for the next ten years." She attributes her lack of action in applying the oils right away to her confused mental state due to the Lyme disease, which has invaded her brain.
After receiving an intravenously administered antibiotic three times daily for thirteen months to no avail at a cost of $70,000, she said to her doctor, "The Lyme bacteria is in my brain and your treatments cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Isn't that so? Then, in other words, I am never going to get well with your treatments. Right?" Her doctor was silent. Upon that realilzation, Pam terminated her doctor visits and costly treatments, and turned to essential oils.
She knew of no one who did Raindrop, so she located a massage therapist in her home town. "I walked in with my book and asked if she was willing to take the book home and see if this is something she would do and I would supply all the oils. This began my passion for Raindrop," she said.
"I had no clue how this would change my life," Pamela tells her story. "Comprehension just wasn't there, brain fog, loss of memory, . . As you can see connecting the dots on how this was going to benefit my health, I didn't get it even as it happened. I just had a great deal of faith that God was leading me down this path."
"I started out having a Raindrop treatment once a week," Pam continues. "At my follow-up doctor appointment, four weeks later, he was amazed at my progress. I still didn't comprehend the greatness of this accomplishment at that time. I continued with Raindrop sessions every week for nine onths and then every two weeks and then once a month. I still continue to have a Raindrop once a month."
The following is Pam's protocol for living free from Lyme Symptoms:
1. She receives a Raindrop Session regularly, once a month, for health maintenance and to keep her immune system up to full strength.
2. When she senses that a bout of Lyme symptoms are beginning, she makes up a capsule containing 2 drops of Frankincense, 6 drops of Oregano, and 12 drops of Thieves. We will call these capsules, "Lyme Bullets."
3. Upon the first signs of an attack, she immediately starts a one-week regimen as follows:
One Lyme Bullet every four hours around the clock for three days, followed by
One Lyme Bullet every eight hours around the clock for four days.
4. At the end of that week, most of the time the symptoms have stopped their attempt to reappear. The bacteria have gone back into hibernation, and she is back to normal again with her full strength.
She emphasizes that you need to stick strictly to the "every four hour" and "every eight hour" protocol, setting your alarm through the night to keep up the timely assault against the spirochetes who want to attack you. If she feels the need, sometimes after a one week application of the protocol, she may repeat it for another week.
By applying this protocol, she has been able to have a normal uninterrupted life for years. And, who knows? With the repeated defenses of the essential oils, the Lyme spirochetes may just give up and quit altogether some day.
The only other healing modality known to be effective with Lyme disease is the application of electromagnetic frequencies that resonate with the microbial size and structure of the guilty spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. The application of the right frequency causes the bacteria to explode and disintegrate while having no effect on the surrounding human tissue.
The machine that administered the lethal current is called a "Rife Machine." It was invented by Dr. Royal Raymond Rife as a treatment for infections in the 1930's and was vigorously opposed and aggressively supressed by U.S. Goverment health authorities and by the American Medical Association. Only in the last few decades has it been rediscovered and actually re-invented by several other scientists and medical doctors who believe in vibrational medicine and have seen its success.
For more on the use of a Rife Machine for Lyme disease, see the book, "Lyme Disease and Rife Machines," by Bryan Rosner. While there can be little doubt from those who have experienced or witnessed remission from Lyme disease with a Rife Machine, there is a drawback. It is called a "herxheimer reaction," named after Karl Herxheimer, German dermatologist (1861-1944). Usually shortened to "herx," a herxheimer reaction is an increase in symptoms following a treatment that is supposed to relieve the symptoms. "Herxing" is "getting worse before you get better."
What happens when a Lyme patient herxes following a Rife treatment is that the electromagnetic pulsing is so effective in killing off the bacteria, massive amounts of toxins are released in one's body from all the dead bacteria. Thus, until the toxins and dead bacteria are cleansed from the body, the patient can suffer intensly for a few days, but after a series of repeated Rife treatments, the disease has been often reported as gone for good. See the book by Rosner mentioned above for details, testimonies, and how to obtain or find a Rife Machine.
The advantage of destroying Lyme pathogens with essential oils and Raindrop is that oils and Raindrop are, themselves, highly cleansing and detoxifying when accompanied with lots of water. Thus, as the Lyme bacteria are dying off, the oil molecules can encapsulate them and their toxins and, when accompanied with large water intake, can carry them painlessly out of the body via the colon and kidneys. Following a Raindrop session or when engaged in the oral protocol with Frankincense, Oregano, and Thieves for Lyme, one should be urinating every 1-2 hours, or you are not drinking enough water.
People with Lyme can still have a herx response following a raindrop or the oral intake of essential oils, but it is less common than with Rife treatment and less extreme. One thing to be grateful for if you are herxing after a raindrop, it means the oils are doing what they are supposed to do, killing off the hostile bacteria and bringing you closer to freedom from the sickness.
If you contract one of the other tick bourne diseases (Rocky Mountain, Eurlichosis, Babiosis), there are effective antibiotic treatments for these. Symptoms for these other diseases can be identical to those of Lyme. You will need a blood test from a laboratory to determine which, if any, of these diseases may be the case in order to know which method of treatment you need.