logmoss82 said...
Having plants in the room where you sleep is probably not a very good idea for lyme sufferers. As you know plants need water and water poured onto soil creates microscopic mold spores. Plants are naturally resistant to mold but people are not. Especially people whose immune systems are compromised by lyme and coinfections.
This home has mold issues, my few plants in the bedroom aren't going to make that much difference, matter of fact I rely on them for two things already....1, providing me oxygen in exchange for the carbon dioxide in the air, and 2, they have been my barometer over the years of how seriously sick I am at any given time, that might be unique to me.
When I happen to notice that everything is dying from lack of care, and I can't summon the will to do anything about
it, I realize how sick I am. How well I am taking care of them lets me know I'm slipping backwards, when I may not realize it otherwise.
I even desperately tried to keep my mother's day gift of mini petunias alive by bringing that in, and the air is so dry in here it just sucked the life out of it no matter how often I misted.
Air that is that dry air is not healthy for me either. Summertime is another matter altogether though, and I need a DE-humidifier.