cr3ativegirl said...
Hi, Huddy. Bummers for us. I have relapsed too. Doctor thinks biofilms are probably being disturbed, things are hatching. Could last years. Very depressing. Have to plug on. I have severe head pressure, stiff neck last two days plus just random sweating, and this weird thing where if I walk somewhere, then stop, I start to vibrate. Gingko is has worked for me before.
I agree with Bluelyme that Doxy will just create more cysts and it will go dormant. I agree with Girlie that Minocycline pulsing is a better choice. It will get to the brain. Gonna ask to go back on that as well.
Other than the sweating which had stopped at the end of summer, I have the rest of that almost on a daily basis.
Kudzu was helping with the head pressure and stiff neck, but the vibrations for me seem to be tied into my emotional and/or physical stress.
What strength Gingko? I can get this at the health food's store.