ChickNorris said...
Girlie said...
"My doc is of the opinion that while yes, it can be passed sexually or from mother to child, it is usually not as difficult to treat or as potent as the one who gets it from a tick."
Really? I wonder where he got that from.
I think it's highly probable that it is passed on sexually...but I'm not 'sold' on the saliva yet.
Protection in this house...but still kissing...
Personal experience. His wife had Lyme and he ended up getting a mild form of it that responded quickly to herbs. He also attends ILADS conferences and he mentioned some experiments with lab rats or mice. I can't recall the details.
Like in all other situations, there are too many variables to draw any "not as difficult...or potent..." conclusions, even with the "usually" disclaimer. Discovery and treatment time lapse from point of infection is a big factor, as well as the usual individual immune system differences.