I hope this comes across more as an information source for those who may stumble upon it than a rant.
Today was one of the worst and most humiliating experiences I've had from any doctor. This was a consultant doctor at a 'tropical diseases' clinic; (lyme is a tropical disease?).
Firstly I presented the Armin Labs lyme test results (3 pages) and said that I think I have lyme. She briefly glanced at the first page and saw the logo and then commented: ''they are not a recognised lab'' by the health service - and that she had ''a problem with the lab.'' She went no further. I asked what her problem with it was but she refused to say. Then she became ultra defensive. I asked about
the tests on offer and how they differed to try and diffuse the tension but she shut me down immediately and talked over the top of me.
I tried to co-operate as best I could - begrudgingly agreed to a physical exam which was difficult after her candor - and she probed a few things ( lol ), and then said the physical was normal. Then she agreed to issue a Elisa and a Western blot (best I could expect?), but she still refused to enter into any kind of dialogue or answer my queries, especially about
the accuracy of the western blot.
As I was almost pushed out the door I managed to get from her that the only disease vector for borreliosis is in her opinion ''from a tick'', and that it can't be passed between people, which sent off alarm bells. That was a very telling piece of information. We know now that the transmission of borrelia and co. has been proven in countless peer reviewed scientific studies and journals, and that ticks are not the only vector. I didn't get to discuss anything about
co-infections and the risk of infection person to person. She didn't want to know.
Anyway guys, please don't take this as a rant and me moaning, I hope it doesn't come accross that way. I just want to document my experience for those that may come across this attitude from the NHS in the UK. In 2017 they are still using (old lyme thinking).
You might say, ''well, why did you go?'' : well I didn't want to believe it, I wanted to see it for myself. I could not even extrapolate from her what the formal guidelines were. Of course the CDC. I also wanted a formal diagnosis for the benefit of my family. I'm not saying my family don't believe me but an acknowledgement of some kind about
the tests I've paid for privately, and an understanding ear and some sort of reassurance would have been nice, (she's a doctor?). I've been suffering for 20 years with bundles of symptoms.
Anyway, I got some tests out of it, the only downside is I suspect they will show as negative. The Elisaspot is not good enough for them, with no explanation... Clearly she had some experience or knowledge of the lab to pass judgement on it.... I would have listened to her explanation had she given one.. it's the absence of any assurance and the denial of the lab tests that was most dismaying.
Anyway, for anyone reading this who had gone or has yet to go through this, you are not alone.
I'll see what comes from their tests and get started on self-treatment. It's a closed door anyway - even though she refused to answer - I suspect the only treatment would have been a few weeks of doxy.
Thanks for reading this nonsense.