I know what you are saying
-- But, when I started doing the Buhner prootocol, I created a huge spreadsheet after I read his book. For me, I knew by blood work that I was dealing with Lyme and Mycoplasma... I knew I had either Bart or Babs ... perhaps both. As it turned out, it was Bart cause I started to see the scratch marks when I started the herbs.
The first thing I did was put herbs in the category of Lyme/Bart/Myco/Babs, and a descript
ion of what it was for. I put things in directly ties to my symptoms... then I began to take supportive herbs first, to help my body become stringer. I generally picked my worst symptom or an herb that crossed the most bacterial categories... if one herb was in there for Lyme/Myco/Bart instead of just Lyme.
I got about
halfway on the number of herbs and then stopped cold turkey and decided to get help by going to Hansa Center... so I never completed that plan, but it was definitely doing something. I was struggling with Herx which is why I stopped and decided to reset.
Buhner's protocol resonated with me very well, but I became overwhelmed with binders, herbs, what supplements to take, etc. -- but it was a functional plan, hahahahahahahahahahaha
I am not as well read as many on this board, but I did read Buhner's book on Lyme (2nd edition) and Mycoplasma/Bartonalla co-infections, so I felt comfortable with my choices...