Klinghardt believes this is a problem with most all chronic Lyme patients. I'm not sure how accurate it is, but it would be hard to find out in most cases I believe, simply in trying to get a doctor to test for it.
www.publichealthalert.org/kpuhpu-a-major-piece-of-the-puzzle-in-overcoming-chronic-lyme-disease.html "the disorder involves an impairment of the heme synthesis process in which pathological heme complexes are formed and subsequently excreted with the urine. The organism facilitates this excretion by binding the heme complexes to active vitamin B6 and zinc, and to a certain extent also to manganese. The complexes that are not excreted in this way may in turn have toxic (even neurotoxic) effects, promote auto-immune diseases, lead to oxidative stress, and pave the way for mitochondriopathic disorders.
In this way, HPU results in massive losses of active vitamin B6, zinc, and to a certain extent also manganese."
www.baumeister-jesch.de/wp-content/uploads/hpu-englisch-flyer.pdf It's definitely something that many of us should at least be aware of though.