So I double checked the cost and for the polygonum it is approximately £30 for 1 litre, whereas the 100ml tincture I bought is £7. 1 tsp is approximately 5ml x 9 (max dose) So 1000/45ml = 22.22 days worth of tincture in 1 litre of tincture.
1tbsp = 3 tsp
Small update
I am almost at 1/2 tsp of tomentosa as of today.
I am well into 3 1/2 tsps of polygonum (I actually stopped loading for a few days so the dose stayed at 3 x 1tsp). Got a bit worried about
how quickly I was getting through it. I plan to increase to 1tsp 6times a day or I may double up each dose; so 2tsp 3 times a day OR do 2 tbsp (tablespoon) twice a day. It'll probably be the tablespoons for conveniance. The stuff does not taste bad in plain water.
I've decided to pre-plan future dosages to avoid risk of running out.
Here are what the eventual max dosages look like:
1) polygonum cuspidatum 1:3 25% - 2 drops (for five days), followed by:
(1 tbsp 3x daily eventual max/maintenance dose)2) Uncaria tomentosa & uncaria rhynchophylla 1:3 25% - 2 drops of each (for five days), followed by:
(1/2 tsp 4x daily for tomentosa & 1tsp 6x daily for rhynchophylla) eventual max/maintenance dose 3)andrographis paniculata 1:3 45% - 2 drops (for five days), followed by:
(1/2 tsp 4x daily eventual max/maintenance dose )4) pueria lobata (kudzu) - 1:5 25% - 2 drops (for five days), followed by:
(1/2 tsp 4x daily eventual max/maintenance dose ) 5) selenium 200mcg (daily - continued indefinitely)
6) 'specific protocol' for lichen sclerosus. I will be adding and listing each herb in due course.
I made the mistake of buying the andrographis as a tincture. Hole in my research here. Should have purchased the capsules or powder form.
I'm now exercising routinely and joined a gym yesterday. No let up in my energy levels. Taking on 3 days of work over the weekend. Feel absolutely great.
Post Edited (Munkra) : 3/2/2017 2:05:15 PM (GMT-7)