Chapelle said...
also, can you get your leptin hormone levels checked? bc as traveler said, hormones play a role in weight too - and leptin is one that should be considered.
thanks for the tip. I'll ask for the test when I see another new dr today.
i am so disappointed in my labs. what am I fighting for? I don't know anymore.
I was fighting so that I could be healthy in my marriage for once and then have a baby. It'll never happen.
Even if I was lucky enough to get pregnant(stopped ovulating atleast a year or two ago) it'll be riddled with Lyme, autism and gosh knows what else. I'm mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. I don't know if I have anything left to fight this.
I have mercury, lyme, leaky gut and prob yeast.
I looked up platelets it signifies bone marrow disease or blood clot disorder or anemia or cancer. WOOHOO which one do I get?
Elevated RBC also signifies tumor or bone marrow issues so I am guessing something is wrong with my bone marrow.
It could signify Polycythemia vera or leukemia or mylelotibosis and my EBV is definitely snuck it's head recently. I knew something felt off under my neck, it felt like my glands were swollen again.
Sorry it's hard not being a debbie downer. I feel like no matter what I'll be defeated.
My CD57 went up but then 5 new things go wrong that were normal before.