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CD57, CD3, CD8, FLOW CYTOMETRY - Insight wanted
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Lyme Disease
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New Member
Joined : Mar 2017
Posts : 2
Posted 3/6/2017 6:06 PM (GMT 0)
I have only recently started to investigate the possibility of Lime Disease. It started with a rash from my groin area on 1 thigh similar to ring worm and about
2 years later developed a wide spread rash on both thighs and going up my body on the side and now onto my underarm. I will not mention the symptoms; just know that it is all there from devastating fatigue to brain confusion, to say the least.
My dermatologist did a biopsy and interpreted it to be Granuloma Annular, however upon reading the report down at the bottom it stated: GA. vs Lime Disease and this is what really rang the bell!!
I have been a soil technician doing major jobs in the woods and yes, upon scratching the back of my head on my last job and having blood squirt not just once but for several weeks I am assuming it was a tick and not a sweat pimple. LOL Oh and I got devastatingly ill and thought it was Borderline Heat Stroke.
Now to the point, after much research and many different type doctors I finally have had my lime Test. Unfortunately, I did go to quest and the result for the western blot appears to be in range (.90) to my understanding this is negative. However, the other test had the following:
Type of Test - CD57, CD3, CD8, FLOW CYTOMETRY
CD57+/CD3- OF % LYMPHS 2
CD57+/CD3- OF % WBC 1
CD57+/CD3- ABSOLUTE 48 cells/uL
CD57+/CD3-/CD8- OF % LYMPHS 1
CD57+/CD3-/CD8- OF % WBC <1 L Considered Low
CD57+/CD3-/CD8- ABSOLUTE 24 cells/uL
CD57+/CD8- OF % LYMPHS 1
CD57+/CD8- OF % WBC <1 L considered low
More research and I am confused…. Does anyone out there have any opinion on these results? Is it considered a positive on lime or do I not have enough BARS as they call it For the doctors to treat for.?
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 48365
Posted 3/6/2017 6:38 PM (GMT 0)
Welcome to our community, Geolady!
Are those the only test results?
That's not actually a lyme test...those are other 'factors' sometimes considered that are indicators of an infection.
I know that a low CD 57 test is sometimes used to gauge treatment...but it is not good enough tool for diagnosing Lyme disease.
You need to get a Lyme Western Blot done. You can order a test kit from Igenex Lab (California) - they will send it to you...then get a Dr. to sign the lab req.
The Lyme WB IgM and IgG costs $210.
Because of your history and symptoms - it does sound like lyme disease to me.
You should consider finding a LLMD (Lyme Literate Dr.)
You can start a new thread titled: "Looking for LLMD in/near_____" and fill in the blank.
In addition to members recommendations, you can also email me and I will send you names on my list.
We encourage all new members to read through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 48365
Posted 3/6/2017 6:38 PM (GMT 0)
...forgot to mention - you should enable your email address (through My Profile) so members can send you names privately.
We don't post the LLMD names on here - for privacy reasons.
New Member
Joined : Mar 2017
Posts : 2
Posted 3/6/2017 7:09 PM (GMT 0)
Thank you for the response I thought and have been told this is a LLD but they sent me to quest based on my insurance here is the other test:
LYME AB SCREEN < OR = 0.90 0.9 index
I thought the other was a co infection test.
I have other multi lab work also being done and do not see doctor till 15th. I got the results from my Quest account prior to dr visit.
thanks for info I will do my profile stuff.
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 48365
Posted 3/6/2017 7:28 PM (GMT 0)
Well, it looks like they only did the screening...and not the actual Western blot.
You might want to get the Igenex test done. for $210
you can send me the LLD 's name via email...and I can check my list to see if he is on it.
Elite Member
Joined : May 2007
Posts : 36573
Posted 3/6/2017 10:36 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Geolady!
Welcome to our community! I'm so glad you found us.
Girlie has provided you with great information, so I just wanted to stop by and welcome you!
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