I haven't herxed at all. Iv been on my full dose of mepron, zithro, and artemesinin and nothing. I guess iv been detoxing pretty well and my bacterial load isn't as bad as others?
Almond milk is a staple in our house. We transitioned to as much organic as we can get, local grown meats (we are in farm counties so its everywhere).
My diet at the moment is supposed to be low carb, gluten free, low sugar, all that good stuff. at the moment I am supposed to be watching yeast because of the abx, so its supposed to be extra low sugar and low carb. I had it pretty good until my doctor threw that curve ball at me. My meals were decent, I had brown rice pasta in some and lentils in another.
I have an all or nothing mentality. I always have and its terrible. If I am going to cheat on something that is higher carb (gluten free breads have so many carbs) then I might as well go all out on a real cheat meal. Same with pizza. my fake cauliflower crust pizza isn't going to taste as good as my dominos pizza will.
My cheat meals usually are steak and cheese subs and pizza. I appreciate your response. I know this question makes me sound very irresponsible, but I am not eating much at the moment because the boring food is not appetizing.
And I am 28