Mustard Seed said...
It's something to be cautious about. Keep an eye on any new symptoms, especially stuff like itching, oral thrush, rashes, GI issues, etc.
Probiotics are great! Make sure you're on a decent diet as well. No sugar for sure (to prevent yeast AND c.diff) and preferably limiting your carbohydrate intake, or switching to complex carbs.
You can also have your doctor prescribe powdered Nystatin down the road if you need it. It's gentle on the GI tract, and doesn't get much into the bloodstream. It just needs to be taken away from other meds so it doesn't bind them and prevent absorption.
FWIW, I had oral thrush after a while of antibiotics and poor diet, and Nystatin didn't work. Diflucan was the only thing that got rid of it for me. Lots more drug interactions with Diflucan however.
The diet is very confusing to me. I talked with my Dr. yesterday about
that and she said follow a yeast control diet but said I can have things like quinoa and brown rice, and sometimes gluten free breads. She said lower carb for sure, but she also said I can have fruits like berries and apples as long as its with a protein. I has talked to her about
yeast prevention medicine before and it sounds like she doesnt use them much, she made it sound like she wasnt going to give me one. Maybe if I actually have issues, because she said I am not showing signs of yeast overgrowth at the moment. (the yeast thing is really freaking me out).