Mustard Seed said...
Did you react badly to the Ivermectin?
I too am finishing up Dr. K's protocol, and was on really high Ivermectin doses.
No I don't believe so. I found it easy to take. Dosing was very forgiving even at the high end. But I did a 5th cycle with higher doses than they needed to be. The fifth cycle was likely unnecessary as most issues that Ivermectin will resolve in four cycles.
Then I took a week break and attempted a 30day straight low dose at a 12mg per day split into 4 doses. But stopped after a week.
I began to have some neuro issues like tremors. But I knew these were signs of potential future problems and that they would resolve as long as I didn't stay on it long term.
I don't know that the neuro issues were related to the Ivermectin for sure but it was best to be safe.
I read one article on a toxicity case that detailed a lady who took it for 6 months straight before she was having slurred speech, tremors, and then passed out but she also recovered with medical assistance after the doctors discovered what she had been doing and she stopped taking it.
I realized that what I was doing was not a good idea and stopped before I ever got close to completing anything foolish.