Traveler, my LLMD treats me based on symptoms and tests and concludes that I have inactive lyme (even with positive test result for lyme, but Igg/IgM negative and CD57 borderline) so it was clearly a clinical diagnosis based on both symptoms and test results.
I don't know if his new test is trustful. He's using it for a few weeks and just heard about
it from other patients.
Girlie, I wasn't being treated directly for any co-infection ( even if banderol and cumanda should have an action on the co-infection as well ).
I showed my rashes to the Doctor and he asked again to test VEGF and bartonella, which came always negative.
I will see this summer how things are going. One option is trying some herbal for co-infections and I will definitely ask to do the new test for lyme/co-infections ( from finish researchers, ).
Don't know what you guys think about
this new test that is going to be released in the next weeks but a lot of people are showing a lot of confidence about
it. Not sure it will be as good as they say, but coming from patients living in Finland/Sweden, they are pretty confident about
it... we will see.
My overall health is still far from good but I had some small improvements since beginning my treatment, and mostly my blood test results are way better ( neurotoxins are finally in range, and a lot of inflammatory markers are now finally good). Still fighting a bit with leaky gut ( not as big as before the treament) and don't know like I already said how much lyme (or any co-infection) is still a problem that needs to be solved.
Despite still struggling with reflux and respiratory problems, Fatigue is still my main symptom and it's not pretty clear whether it's from CFS or from lyme (or both of us). I probably tend to think that it's from both ( and thats why I just added JK to try to boost a bit my current lyme treatment only composed by samento/banderol and cumanda).
Post Edited (dadouv47) : 3/17/2017 1:29:19 PM (GMT-6)