I thought I would post this because there have been a number of post lately about
the above. So I was reading about
biotoxins (again) and came across a really good article that talked about
treating this naturally. So I've posted it below, but here is the portion that really caught my attention. Very interesting indeed.
biotoxinjourney.com/tgf-beta1-turmeric/TGF beta 1 Alternative Treatment
...Dave Asprey Notes
In 2012, I had a three phone consultations with Dave Asprey. At that time, Dave talked about
curcumin as being the active component of turmeric. Curcumin is a very strong anti-inflammatory and is proven to bring down TGF beta 1 levels. Dave hadn’t tried Losartan (Cozaar – blood pressure pills) because he has low blood pressure. He recommended high dose turmeric (5 or 6 liquid extract pills). He was taking Turmeric FSE 60 Softgel Capsules by NewMark (turmeric rhizome 80 mg supercritical extract and 320 mg hydroethanolic extract) – no longer available. Dave said to be careful to avoid turmeric with “bioperine” which is a black pepper extract. Not only does black pepper have a lot of aflatoxins but it also “raises bio-availability” which means it shuts down liver function.