Welcome, Carolyn.
I wanted to mention - you should change your screen name - if that is your real name. Using your full name could attract spam.
You can use your first name only if you want.
You will want to find a LLMD and schedule an appt. for an evaluation.
You will need to enable your email option (through My Profile) - so members can send you names privately.
We don't post the names on here for privacy reasons to protect the Dr.'s.
You can also contact me - send me an email and I will check my list and send you names.
Also, you can contact ILADS:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/We encourage all new members to read through the thread at the top of the page titled: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!' It's packed full of useful information.
I hope you stick around - read posts...ask questions...or just come on to vent...get support.