You are amazing - picked up the squirrel
Brave man!
I am like you, one step forward, three steps back. I was doing really well and past week or so, AWFUL.
Starting out slow on the herbs is fine, in fact, best. I start with one drop. I was the same way on CNS. I stopped for a while and only did Borrelogen, at Deejavu's request (she healed on Jernigan). I added it back in and have the same symptoms you do. It's hitting something for sure.
I did 1 drop for three days, then 2 drops, etc... I'm up to eight drops and only do morning dosing of CNS. My afternoon dosing is only Borrelogen.
Did you muscle test to make sure CNS is right for you? For example my son was doing Borrelogen and Anti-Toxx MS.
Muscle testing: stand bare feet shoulder width apart. Hold bottle out in front of you and bring it to your chest. Try and stand quietly. I even close my eyes. I ask "Will this herb help my Lyme and co-infecions?" If your body bends forward it is good for you, if it bends backwards it is not. (Another tip I learned from Trav, and Dr. S J suggests it too).