You may want to refinace to check your child for lyme ..if you were symptomatic and not on abx during pregnancy there is a good chance it was transfered transplacentally!...
If on abx or antimicrobial herbs strict diet must be adhered or candida WILL grow out of control leading to more weight and fatigue imo
If your just on japonese knotweed for cytokines i imagine not being gluten free dairy free sugar free is fine .probably not killing bart babs or even spirochetes but sometimes living for the little things is what its about
hhc - although mineral and vitamin deficiency are prevalent if its not for killing bart or spirochetes it is optional..aside from b vitamins to detox ,rebuild items like royal jelly and collagen and minerals like ionic liquid ..q10 and essential fatty acids have been helping ...
the bee venom has halted the popping in my joints .
it doesnt sound like you were symptom free during the 6 years? I dismissed headaches ,shooting pains ,ganglion cyst and other symptoms for many
Post Edited (bluelyme) : 5/3/2017 5:37:33 PM (GMT-6)