Welcome to our community, pragsaks.
First - I have to ask you to change your Display Name. You can edit this in 'My Profile'.
We don't show our email addresses on the forum - as it can attract spammers.
You can add your email address in when you go into "My Profile".
If the rashes are from lyme, then 3 weeks of doxy at 100 mg twice daily won't be enough. You will need a minimum of 6 weeks of treatment. (ILADS Lyme Treatment Guidelines) and the dosage should be 200 mg twice daily.
...yes the rashes can reappear while on treatment.
You should consider seeking out a LLMD as most Dr.'s that aren't Lyme literate won't treat this appropriately. It can take several weeks to months to get into a LLMD, but while you wait, you can try and get more doxy from another Dr.
We can help you find a LLMD - Start a new thread titled: "looking for LLMD in/near______" and fill in the blank with the area you live in.
You can also contact ILADS:
ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral/And you can contact me - send me an email and state in the email where you are searching for a LLMD. I will check my list and send you any names I have.
We encourage all our new members to read through the information in the thread at the top of the page: "New to Lyme?...Start Here!"
It's packed full of useful information.