Posted 5/26/2017 3:01 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Evanston,
I tried IV ozone, and think it really helped. I only did two treatments, but I immediately saw relief. The only issue, is the relief didn't last very long (half-day). I was told that the treatments are cumulative, and build on one another. Unfortunately, they are also very expensive. At my practice, they cost $185 per IV, and my LLMD recommended I have them once a week. If money were no issue, I would be doing that.
All the science I have read about ozone shows that it is high benefit, low-risk. I had not heard of blot clots as being a problem, but I am no MD or scientist. In Europe, ozone is commonplace in the treatment of many diseases. Here, as it is not a treatment that can be patented, it doesn't seem to be pursued as much as the bio/pharma community doesn't stand to gain from it's use.
I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I do believe there are a lot of non-drug treatments -- herbs, ozone, acupuncture, etc. -- that are not encouraged (and even undermined) by the standard medical community. .
In any case ... I am now doing rectal insufflations (TMI, I'm sorry) of ozone. A friend that is an acupuncturist uses ozone in his practice, and has allowed me to use his ozone machine. He has taught me how to use it. Ozone cannot be ingested through the lungs, so aside from an IV, this is one of the safest ways of bringing ozone into the body.
I've just started this process, and am going at it slowly -- and it's a little out of my comfort zone -- but, I believe it can really help the body fight back against a variety of diseases (and I have Lyme, Babs and Bart).
Hope you feel better and find a good practitioner to talk to about ozone if it is something you would like to pursue.
Take Care!