The study was done a couple of years ago, and while there are many LLMD's adding it to their treatments, it doesn't help everyone. I used only liquid stevia for years (because of a need to avoid sugar for reasons other than Lyme and company). The thing about
the study, is that it was done in a lab (in vitro) and Lyme responds differently to the setting in a lab (with everything isolated and sterile) as opposed to functioning in the body (in vivo). So while something may work well in a in vitro study, it may fail in an in vivo study.
While it still won't hurt to use it, and it may help!! I have switched to powdered stevia though, as I don't feel any help from the liquid, and the powdered is easier for me to travel with and to deal with at home, as I have my hubby switched over to stevia instead of sugar too!!