Hi Cokie,
I live in Arkansas, and I can tell you that you don't want to see anyone in our state that is treating these infections with abx. There are no real LLMD's in Arkansas, even though there are a couple of doctors calling themselves LLMD's. They don't follow ILADS treatment guidelines.
What you experience with the Rife is called a herx - it's an intensifying of current symptoms or new symptoms showing up due to the die off of the bacteria because they release toxins as they die. We always encourage members to help their bodies detox. You can find some helpful information in the "new to Lyme" thread about
detoxing as well as this site:
There are quite a few of us that have relied on just herbals to heal, and we have done well. I'm one of them and although I healed, I got reinfected, so I'm back in the fight, using herbals only again.
I would encourage you to start to work on your diet - no sugar, basically low carb, lots of vegetables and high quality meats. You will need to use probiotics as well, and there are many brands to choose from. If you have one that you know works well for you, you may wish to start there, but you 'get what you pay for' with probiotics usually, so go for the ones with the most strains. I prefer to use kefir as it has the most number of strains of good bacteria and works well for me.
Do you live in Arkansas, or near by? We can help you find a LLMD if you wish to go that route. You can use an experienced herbalist to help you through any of the herbal protocols, and depending on where you live, someone here may even know of a good Herbalist.