I totally agree with K07. It's not only Borrelia and infected ticks that are making us sick (even though, more contact means more danger, of course).
Dr. Rau speaks of a study in this video, done for epidemiological reasons, in the area I live (the area he mentions, which is the first area where lyme disease appeared, many many decades before the first US case in Lyme, Connect).
He speaks at 8:30 above that the whole population they analyzed were 80% Westernblot positive for Borrelia (IcG). However, only 2% of these had lyme symptoms!!
Just look at further statistics: in the area mentioned above, about
30% of ticks are infected with Bb. So if you get bitten 3 times a year, you have a 100% chance of getting Borrelia, statistically speaking.
I got first very ill after one single tick bite. Severely ill. My daughter too, her first bite happened at age 2, on her head. We both fell almost immediately ill, then declined fast to develop a full blown neuro-arthritic lyme disease.
All our neighbors are bitten frequently by ticks. Certainly most have been bitten more than 3 times in their lifetime. We are bitten about
5 times a year (per person!!). So statistically we would be next to 200% chance of getting infected with Borrelia. And this is only for 2017!!
Why aren't we falling ill any more in the last 8 years, despite an average of 5 bites a year, sometimes a bit less, sometimes more bites?
At this exact moment I'm writing, I still have the first tick's head inside my back, and still 2 visible bite wounds to heal.
Last 2 weeks, 3 tick bites on myself. This year, it's been so long 5 bites. My daughter got only 3 so far.
How could lyme be only caused by infected ticks? No, I see people being bitten all the time, my cat included, and never falling ill. The couple who lived in the house I rent for the last 14 years, lived to almost 100, and almost on their own (no help!!).
Their numerous children are in their 70s-80s, only one died so far, from cancer.
So it's clear that not everyone falls ill with infected tick bites. I just can tell by our own examples and by seeing others around us, and following the history of the family who lived in the same house that made my life a hell (due to infected ticks).
We catch ticks also INSIDE the house, and that is not rare!!
In the whole village, we were the only 2 cases of lyme. Not anymore, as we are both lyme free for at least 8 years.
Positive Westernblots are not a warrant of positive lyme disease, according to dr. Rau, from Paracelsus Clinic.
Post Edited (Jinna) : 6/12/2017 12:31:36 PM (GMT-6)