After a rapid deterioration of my body over the past few months - and EXTENSIVE testing to no avail - I am only now starting to read about
Lyme Disease. Funnily enough, some of my first issues were the EXACT same "weird" heart stuff that you have mentioned:
My original post said...
- My maximum heart rate (beats per minute) whilst wearing the (Holter) monitor is/were 137
- My average BPM over 24 hours is/were 73
- My minimum BPM is/were 36 (recorded several times during my sleep).
Perhaps more notably so, these extreme lows whilst I slept had significant spikes on either side (every time):
- 1am: spikes from 90bpm down to 40
- 2am: spikes from 70bpm down to 50
- 3am: spikes from 80bpm down to 50
- 4am: spikes from 80bpm down to 36
- 5am: spikes from 50bpm up to 90
My original posts are on the cardio section here:
Semi recently - amongst numerous other things - I had been been waking up in the night with such painful PVCs that it literally felt like burning ash was falling onto my chest. (The palpitations/muscle clenchings were actually visible, too.) These haven't happened for a week or so now - touch wood - (I started taking magnesium which may have helped) but yeah, they weren't pleasant.
Side-note: I have an appointment with an infectious disease specialist on Tuesday and will
beg to be tested for Lyme. I can't believe none of the TEN+ doctors I've seen about
my issues up until now have suggested it before. "Tests are fine: you're fine". Ha! I wonder if we're going through the same thing.
All the best to (all of) you and please keep me updated on your situation(s).