Ceftin is a good antibiotic - I have seen it prescribed with Rifampin for Bart.
I have trouble with Bactrim, too.
I have the 400 mg tablets...and I am wanting to take 800 mg twice daily..but I think have only managed that once.
Yesterday I did 400 in the morning - and a few hours later I had this strange blemish on my forehead...it was like a sore...of course I hit the panic button...all sirens going...(I have always been freaked out about
bactrim - for two reasons: 1) the Stevens Johnson syndrome 2) bluelyme said it made his "blood boil".
So, I am only taking the minocycline with the Mepron today...at least until this 'blemish' goes away...
Very difficult to tease out which ones are lyme or bart. I know I did extensive lyme treatment so what I have left - I'm assuming is bart...or babs...or bart...or babs...(depending on the day...which way the wind is blowing...and my mood.