TOOTY said...
Girlie said...
Tooty - I do know someone who said he treats all three B's. I haven't discussed this at length, though.
hmm ...intersting what you say, though. certainly cause for pausing....
Well, if we go by bartonella treatment failures...then there would be many LLMD' add...
...are you saying once there is failure...he doesn't continue to treat...and sleuth out what else is going on?
I started my reply before you edited. In reply to your question, yes. His focus, for various reasons, seems to be pretty narrow. That's understandable if you are a Bart specialist. All I'm saying is that he doesn't treat like a true LLMD, and he is not one. The cases I'm familiar with he was not willing to address the entrenched Lyme infection. I believe it's because it's too dangerous to treat chronic Lyme disease in the current medical climate. I don't blame him, he has a lot at stake. He's very successful in his field. To lose his license would be devastating to his Bartonella research. But, please don't call him an LLMD. I feel most Lyme patients (Bart patients included) would be better served elsewhere.I guess my concern is that there are many LLMD's who ignore one of the infections...
I know patients who were treated for Lyme and bart only (when talking about
the 3 B's) and they got to almost symptom free and didn't consider babesia. Some are forum members...others' I know from other lyme groups. Some went on to self-treat babs and got to full healing...others are 'putting up' with their lingering symptoms.
Dr. J. and Dr. H. say you need to consider that there could be an asymptomatic infection. And I believe both those Dr.'s will treat all three B's regardless.
So, do we say that the others' aren't LLMD's? That's what I'm wondering.
(Not trying to argue...but I just don't think Dr. M is the only "LLMD" that doesn't treat all the B's when their patients aren't at full healing - so wondering if we should be crossing him off our 'list')
I'm sure you can appreciate what I am saying?
(But, I have to admit that not treating Bb is strange for a LLMD (and negligent...)
I guess he figures the biaxin is enough...?