I have not been diagnosed with Lymes or Babesia, but have been experiencing strange symptoms that have not been diagnosed up to now: chronic pain and pressure back of my head, muscle stiffness (especially neck and back), depression/anxiety, weight loss, cherry hemangiomas popping up on my scalp and torso, sebopsoriasis, and lots and lots of hair loss.
I've had extensive blood testing to rule out everything from hepatitis and lupus to thyroid and hormone disorders (although there still may be some of this going on).
The only definitive abnormal test results have been low ferritin, low creatinine and low alkaline phosphatase.
Lymes and Babesia are the next thing to rule out as these symptoms began after a trip to MI when I got sick (vomiting, headache, low grade fever, bad head/neck pain). I had a rash on my back and on my neck for a while, but don't remember a tick bite (although we did go hiking in a state park during tick season and saw a lot of these bugs).
What testing for Lymes/Babesia do you recommend (especially because I became sick 1 year ago)? Or are these symptoms "red flags" for something else you have encountered?
Many thanks in advance!