RedLabel said...
I don't have an answer for you Dacarte, but also wonder something. What makes the Igenex test better than the others?
I had a western blot done at a regular lab, but not a single band showed up. I see from some of your early posts dacarte that you had the same experience, but then tested positive with Igenex. Were many of the same bands tested for on the "regular" test and only became positive with Igenex? Did you do any NK cell or CD57 cell testing? My understanding is that if these function markers are low it is hard to see anything from tests. Mine are really low
My testing history is:
1. initial westernblot - Zero bands. It was too early in the active infection. Lyme can takes multiple months to get a band or even treatment has to start first.
2. After multiple months and treatment, I took Igenex and had a Positive IFA, and band 41 and another lyme specific band (cant remember).
3. this time I took a non-igenex WB and the same Igenex bands came up.
So there's often this delay (for a variety of reasons). It's why so many people go undiagnosed because when one initially feels bad and lymie the test can bring up absolutely nothing. It wasn't until 4 months later and feeling 80% better did the WB show lyme specific bands for me.