Here's an interesting interview of Susan Luschas.
Her daughter's health declined over time until she and her husband finally realized something was wrong. Susan, a PhD from MIT, took their daughter from doctor-to-doctor with no success. Susan took matters into her own hands and started caring for their daughter by herself. Eventually, they determined it was Lyme Disease.
Once she was able to restore her daughter's health, the rest of the family (Susan, their other child, and her husband) got sick with Lyme and a bunch of co-infections. How? Susan determined it was spread from the daughter via head lice.
I found it to be interesting and inspiring. There's other interesting stuff like parasites, MTHFR/methylation issues that changed over time, and them having a frenectomy. Wild stuff. Thankfully, it worked.
Susan Luschas: How She Turned Her Family’s Health Around, Parasites, MTHFR, and's