running wild said...
Just still thrown by the fat loss all over body and face. And this test was Lab Corp, so those who say Igenex isn't reliable have no argument. Still doesn't explain the fat loss that has really gotten bad recently.
It's not muscle, as I have mentioned before. Just fat. My face is so hollow looking now, body the same. Just trying to figure out what else may be happening. I now, girlie, you have similar issues, but it's muscle, to?
i had major muscle atrophy when lyme first hit me. But, there's more than muscle loss - must be collagen. The fingers on my left hand are thin and boney compared to my right hand...not sure if that's only muscle...I'm thinking collagen?
I have been rehabbing for over a year now...and while I have big improvements...still not great...still flabbyish.
(I'm not overweight at all - but my muscles are softer than before lyme)
I'm not understanding what you mean with your comment on the Lab Corp vs Igenex test.