Denver1, I totally understand: I do that everyday!
Thank you both, very much. I'm going to try the electrolyte powder/tablet route and increase my Gold intake, and see how it goes.
I realized how significant POTS is when I tried going without compression sticking for a couple of days--I was exhausted beyond words, faint, weak, and my heart went crazy numerous times throughout the day. The heat made it much worse. I couldn't function, and exercise resulted in a couple of days in bed! So, I'm now trying to stay cool, wear compression garments religiously (even if I look ridiculous and feel uncomfortable in summer weather), and stay well hydrated. I'm sure using my sodium will help; I delighted to learn I can rely on tablets instead of dietary salt!
I never thought to pay much attention to POTS, as with Lyme and co there's already more than enough to deal with--but I'm starting to think that some of my problems are due to POTS (which likely predates when I became very ill with MSIDS). I wonder if others out there might be in the same kind of situation....
Thank you both again!! I appreciate it.