goshawk said...
Try Bactrim with zith for bartonella . I was taking it and it hit bart good until I had to take break from abx to heal yeast issue.
I may have to but I must admit I am frightened by the possibility of permanent nerve damage. I wonder how long it took for those who had the negative side effect to be able to tell that something wasn't right and to stop taking it.
I am wondering what my herb choices are and how successful this route has been for Bart. I was a lot braver before I experience the following spleen issues with Rifamin.
Georgia Hunter said...
ChickenArise said...
Girlie, I had to bail on the Rifampin as I know now it was for sure causing me spleen issues. My spleen is much happier after stopping. I will likely go full herbal on the Bart.
This tells me you may have a blood borne pathogen and the Rifampin killed so much of it that you couldn't detox fast enough. The spleen is a very high blood flow organ and a bottleneck of blood flow there would be a disaster. This may also indicate biofilm producing pathogens are present. I appreciate the reply. The different perspectives go a long way in helping me to remain objective.
On the 17th june I began Rifampin. On Day 2, I was up to 300mg bid. I kept asking myself daily "Where is the herx?"
I experienced the increased anxiety initially as well as the orange pee. Two weeks into the medication, I began to feel a discomfort in the spleen. It was not terribly painful but like an intermittent muscle ache. It was never constant rather short and infrequent, but the pain happened often enough that I was concerned the spleen had become infected. I had never felt anything in this area prior to.
I continued to take it as I didn't associate this with Rifampin. I just logged the recurring yet intermittent pain in my health diary and continued to take in until 24th July when I discovered that an enlarged spleen was a very rare complication that extremely few will suffer while using this medication. I quit taking it for safety sake as intuition said this has never felt like action against invaders.
Before knowing all of this I had been puzzled as to why there was pain and why it felt a bit larger under my left rib cage than right.
A short while after cessation the pain became less frequent and milder. It still feels as if it could be slightly enlarged and is tender for a moment at times but so much less.
I could find no information which said the spleen could return to its correct size and condition upon discontinuation of Rifampin. It has been long enough that the drug should be out of my system.
So although it may be possible, I have to error on the side of caution.