Hey tonyaraven, sorry about
your tooth... hope your extraction goes well! I think as you are going to a biological dentist w/ ozone & you are treating your Lyme that's probably as good as it gets! (Under the circumstances!) I totally understand being nervous though.
I do have some experience with this, I had 3 teeth out last year; but the circumstances in my case were different than yours, i.e., I do have Lyme also, but I didn't know it at the time & had never been treated.( and was quite ill just from the Lyme) Also , the dentist I went to was awful- he was not a biological dentist, He was just the cheapest dentist I could find. If I hadn't really needed the extractions ( especially one of them) I wouldn't have put myself in this guys hands! I also had a really bad infection in one tooth/ jaw, that I had to recover from, & I did not use antibiotics.
Even so, I think the trauma of the extractions / infection alone would have been tolerable. The real problem was that he put me on medications I was allergic to ( despite my having told him I was allergic to them, and him saying he understood ...) & the combination of the extractions / infection & a severe allergic reaction was bad. But I'm still glad I had the work done , & the extraction sites all healed quickly & well, without any problems.
I still need a few more teeth out, and I'm hoping to be able to afford a decent dentist next time, preferably a biological one! I also want to wait until I've been treating my Lyme for a little while.
I don't have any suggestions, but I'll be interested to read what others recommend!
Ps. I really hope I didn't freak you out more by sharing my experience! I almost didn't share b/ c of that... I think my story is the worst possible scenario, and hopefully others with better experiences will share too!
Good luck ! Please let us know how it goes!