Hi - please bear with me as I'm still new to this lyme stuff.
So I recently found out that I've probably had lyme since '09 but I've only started treating the last couple of months. I've been slowly ramping up Buhner's protocol as well as some basic detox stuff. After reading his books I decided on his basic lyme protocol (knotweed, cat's claw, andrographis) as well as babesia (sida acuta, cryptolepis) and a few additions of my own (curcumin, apple cyder vinegar, raw garlic). I reached the full amount of the herbs a couple weeks ago but didn't notice any major differences until this morning.
Today I woke up feeling like I have the worst flu of my life. Low grade fever, increased pain, exhausted, MASSIVELY increased brainfog and derealization (in fact I feel mildly delirious), tight sensation in my skull. I feel really "toxic" if that makes sense to any of you. It feels a little like what I would imagine being poisoned might feel like. I guess I'm mostly wondering if this matches anyone else's experience of a "herx"?
I've managed most of my usual detoxing routine (chlorella, lemon water, body scrub) but wondering what else I can/should do. Do I scale back on the herbs until it passes? Do I keep going and ride it out? Is there anything else that I can do cheaply that will help?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!