Hi all!
I'm not native English speaker but please I really need help with my questions.
I'm 35 old women new to Lyme disease. I've been diagnosed with Lyme two months ago, before that I felt bad for almost 2 years. Worst collapse of my health was 6 months ago when I couldn't move from bed for weeks. First I've been diagnosed with Coxsackie virus B and doctors were not interested in my bad condition much at all. Then I finally find good doctor who sent me to all blood tests possible and found me positive to Chlamidia Pneumonia and Borellia.
My Borellia test results are: ELSA method igm - negative igg - positive < 40
and Western blot method: igm - negative igg - positive (two bars positive out of 10).
My symptoms present for many time that become worst 6 months ago are: extreme faitgue, cough, breathing problem (I can't get enough air, even when sitting still), dizziness, some heart problem for which I got betablocator, low grade temperature, feeling cold all time, occasional numbness in hands and face especially when I can't get enough air etc.
I feel better now then 6 months ago but I still don't have energy to work out of home. That makes me depressed.
Doctor gave me lot of vitamins and some oils to take and antibiotics. First I took Doxycycline for one month and felt good. I think it helped me to get rid of cough. Then we continued with Amoxicilin, I took that for two weeks, sometimes I felt worse but last few times I started to feel bad few minutes after I take the pill. I felt like I'm going to lose consciousness, my blood pressure drops down and it lasts for few moments. Last time it was really terrible and I decide to stop with pills. I got numbed all over my body, felt like I can't breath and even my throat becomes swollen. My doctor advice me to stop with antibiotics for now.
My question is was this allergic reaction? If it was allergic reaction how that it appeared two weeks after I start using Amoxicilin? And if it was allergic why it had some symptomes of Lyme or Herx like numbness and shortness of breath?
Please if someone can give me advice on this and share his/her experience that would be appreciated.
Post Edited (nonames) : 9/9/2017 5:35:25 AM (GMT-6)