I just tried posting and hit cancel instead of submit
Anyway, let me try again!! I had a bad flare for a couple weeks after having an infected tooth pulled that had gone into my sinuses. Things finally started to calm down about
4 days ago and then my llmd switched me to amoxicillin, a couple days ago I finally got the nerve to start it, first day I did 1000 and yesterday 1500. The first day i started it I was almost back to feeling somewhat normal at least headaches were almost gone then the next day they started coming back and last night they were really bad again (nervy pain in nose, sinus area mainly but also moves to pain in back of head and neck and now it's moving down my spine). At one point last night it got so bad and I also had all sorts of pins and needles in my hands and felt super shaky and panicky! Does this sound like a herx? Do you think I should push through with the amoxicillin? I'm also taking malarone and crypto plus. I'm SO tired of headaches!