Hello all, I'm new to the Lyme world and hopefully won't be around for long. However, that said, it would be amazing if someone could help me out with me Armin Labs tests results. It would also be amazing if you could provide any pointers in terms of treatment, I've researched quite extensively and it seems some of my age (22) and health otherwise will usually respond at least fairly well to antibiotics. That said, I really do just want to get better however, and am
open to options. I have a GP appointment tomorrow with quite a receptive and
open doctor, despite NHS rigour etc.
Just to say, symptoms began in May this year, but ,y tests were only in September (GPs thought it was psychosomatic / other physical etc.). I'll also add on some of my symptoms, to be honest they're quite extensive and have brought me from being a high-performing university student to someone with half my IQ of a few months before. Thanks for your help in advance!
From what I can tell, and clinically, it looks like I have Lyme, babesia, bartonella at the very least.
Test results:
Borrelia EliSpot
1 Borrelia b. Full Antigen ! 2 SI
1 Borrelia b. OSP-Mix ! 2 SI
1 Borrelia burgdorferi LFA-1 1 SI
1 Bart.henselae EliSpot ! 2 SI
1 Babesia microti EliSpot ! 4 SI
1 Chlamydia pneumoniae-EliSpot ! 2 SI
4 Chlam.pneum. IgG-AB (ELISA) negative negative
0,246 Ratio
4 Chlam.pneum. IgA-AB (ELISA) negative negative
0,250 Ratio
4 Mycopl.pneum. IgG-AB (ELISA) positive negative
! 2,013 Ratio
4 Coxsackie-Virus IgG A7 (IFT) + 1:10000 < 1:100 [ ........ *>
4 Coxsackie-Virus IgG B1 (IFT) + 1:10000 < 1:100 [ ........ *>
4 Coxsackie-Virus IgA A7 (IFT) + 1:10 < 1:10 [ ........ *>
4 Coxsackie-Virus IgA B1 (IFT) + 1:10 < 1:10 [ ........ *>
- Brain fog (worst symptom)
- Memory loss- short and long term
- Can't grasp concepts / follow plots
- Difficulty doing things once thought easy e.g. simple mental maths, typing, writing, driving
- Mild depression, has progressed to heavier depression
- Anxiety, panic (didn’t start with this as severe. Has progressed into being one of worst symptoms)
- Fatigue (has got worse)
- Chronic headaches in forehead, temple and sinus zones
- Blood in stools
- Sensitive to the cold AND heat
- Muscle aches / breakdown
- Pain in muscles, seemingly random
- Trouble sleeping, very light
- Frequent or increased urination, especially at night
- Dull pains in some joints
- Dull to sharp pain behind pectorals
- Dizziness
- Blurred vision / lightning flashes in eyes (rarer)
- Feel blood pumping in arm and leg artery / vein
- Mild tinnitus
- Sugar definitely worsens symptoms
Thanks for your help! And please if I've said something I shouldn't rules-wise, or generally, keep it positive! Have a nice day