Ashleyann82587 said...
Astroman- I just left endocrine. Both autoimmune markers confirm some form of thyroid condition. He outright told me this was brought on by something else. He said Lyme may have set it off. He suspects my hyper will decline to hypo-thyroiditis. If the levels continue to show hyper he suspects Graves' disease.
He doesn't want to treat right now..but wants to recheck my levels in 1 week.
"He said Lyme may have set it off." - Thats more than most Endo's know!
"hyper will decline to hypo-thyroiditis" - that is the usual. But if your high#'s are only recent, fixing lyme might lower your thy antibodies. Dont give up on that thought.
For Graves you would have high TSI antibodies, and you did not have that tested yet- should have.
Thyroid newbies get TSH (a signal hormone) and TSI (Graves only antibody) confused sometimes, obviously not the same.