Welcome Ann and so sorry you have lyme disease, but you are at the right place for encouragement and information.
We always suggest that new members read the first thread New To Lyme. It is long and it might take you awhile so space it out in little bits of reading.
Now for helping you find a doc.
/sites.google.com/site/lymedoctors/pennsylvania/globallymealliance.org/education-awareness/find-medical-professional/ilads.org/ilads_media/physician-referral//www.lymediseaseassociation.org/ -- Go to Dr. Referral tab
If you don't get any results with those, I do have a list of names that have been put together by past members. It is a little outdated and some of the docs or offices are no longer
open, but if you email me, I will gladly give you names that I have on that list.
To email me, click on the blue envelope that is under my name.
We don't put doctors' names on this forum in order to protect them, unless they publicly advertise.
Hope this is helpful.