Casa11 said...
Hey ChickenArise, thanks for posting your music & blog links. I've checked out (and enjoyed) a little bit of both so far. Really impressed that you've managed to continue creating during treatment!
Casa, thanks for the kind words. In the interest of full disclosure all of the music was recorded well before I got ill. Much of the blog writing occurred after.
Although I hope to put new music out in the future, I have actual plans to take the writing to the next level using social media as the platform to reveal aspects of my life that have yet to be disclosed.
The timing of acquiring a recent mentor to help me achieve this is fascinating.
I've always heard when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Maybe that is true after all. Its been a long time in coming.
Im looking forward to sharing more soon.
Remember the most God like power you have been given is the power to create.