Octobrsky13 said...
Girlie said...
I edited the posts - as we use initials only for the LLMD's except for the very well-known ones - like Dr. Horowitz.
Octobrsky - He was treating bart and was still unable to walk for two years? or was that prior to treating it?
I guess he didn't mention what abx actually worked for his bart? We have to read the book? I wanna know now....lol
He was unable to walk prior to treating. It took a year and a half of very aggressive treatment and he gradually improved. I knew about
his serious back issues and that he had to close his practice for two years before I saw him but he just told me at my last appointment that it was a Bart infection. He's so humble - wants appointments to be about
the patient so he doesn't talk about
his own experience. I've always said that talking to him was like talking to another Lyme patient because he just "gets it". Now I know why!
He did say that Bactrim, liposomal art and liposomal oil of oregano were the most helpful but said he has a cabinet full of herbs and nothing really worked for him but that he understands how different every case is and so treatment has to be tailored to the patient. He is the most patient centered doctor,
open minded - very unique. I feel really blessed to have gotten in to see him in 3 months. He isn't taking new patients now because of a research project.
So I would urge everyone to follow his (and Dana Parish's - another compelling story) FB page and the live q&a tomorrow night. Ask your questions. He loves to help.
This tells me he had both protozoal and fungal infections. I'd be willing to bet his problems were similar to mine. It's not babesia, it's something else.