Thanks PeteZa! Your comment about
the clothes made me laugh & I needed it!
Yeah I can't do the overstimulation/stress stuff at all eaither!
I did make it through - but I'm wiped out & so sick now...
After about
a half hour my Dad goes " are you ok?" I was like 'no- I think I have to throw up- ' and I had to hold onto the wall to get to the bathroom! Yuck !!!
Think they might've gotten a better understanding of how sick I am though- when I was at my worst they never saw me, cause I was too sick to get out of bed. Hope today might've been a bit of a wake up call for everyone...
Trying to think something positive will have come out of this ...
Thankfully I only live next door and was able to stagger home to bed, where I've been laying like a zombie ever since....