Pirouette said...
Just a note about chlorella - it's really more of a chelator than a binder. It's generally used to chelate heavy metals, more than to eliminate GI toxins and you need to be careful with it since chelating too quickly can pull hvy mtls from tissues but if they are not removed from the body quickly enough, the body can reabsorb them. So it's important to go slow and easy with chelating.
Many people also incorporate a binder like charcoal or bentonite clay with the chelating to make sure everything gets effectively removed through bowel movements and urinating.
chlorella is 100% NOT a chelator, regardless of what Dr. K may claim.
if you want to chelate use DMSA or ALA or any actual real chelator. sorry, but Dr K is confused and is spreading dangerous nonsense when it comes to chelation. he doesnt understand it at all.
if you are legitimately mercury toxic dont listen to him. he will make you worse.