Girlie said...
It is a common antibiotic prescribed for UTI's. For some people the damage happened after taking only one or two dose and the damage is long-lasting.
yes girlie but this term "some people" can be very misleading and can make all the difference in the world. It is the reason behind the vaccination panic in US and Europe. Do you know there are thousands of children dead of measles only this year in France and Eastern Europe ? France is not exactly an underdeveloped country, it's just some moms think their children can be harmed by vaccines. Which is TRUE, "some children" means one child in one million dies from vaccine. As compared with one unvaccinated child in 10000 that will die of measles ... The problem with our society is that we do not understand statistics and we cannot evaluate threats properly. There is a great difference between 1 in 1,000,000 and 1 in 10,000. But common folk cannot tell them apart. It's just 2 zeros apart, no ?
Same as with the fluoroquinolones. I am absolutely sure there are
some people as you say, that were really terribly hurt by cipro & comp. I do not deny that. But statistically speaking this a tiny fraction of the huge amount of people taking the antibiotics, and of the thousands of people cipro saved from sepsis and certain bacteria death because it was able to kill the bacteria before it happened...
Sure, cipro/levo are dangerous antibiotics and if alternatives exist, by all means, take them. But rifampin IS NOT a harmless alternative. This lady
/ use to take intravenous rifampin infusions daily for years and now she has tendon complications:
" In case you’re curious, I have tenosynivitis, which is basically tendonitis of the wrists, and some tendonitis in my hands, too. I’m doing things like icing three or four times a day, researching wrist braces that I can tolerate (most are made with neoprene, which is super toxic and not an option for me due to my MCS), and trying to mouse and type less. It seems to have been caused by a combination of the Lyme drug I was using, Rifampin, damaging my tendons, along with my constant computer use and my various other inflammatory diseases. My OT said it was “the perfect storm.” Terrific."
Of course because cipro is an antibiotic prescribed to many people as compared with rifampin, which is a TB drug and very hard to get a prescript
ion, the number of people harmed by cipro is greater, But the number of people that have taken cipro over the decades is
in hundreds of millions.
Again, power of numbers, we need to understand a bit of basic statistics before taking a decision about
what harms us nowadays...
Post Edited (mpost) : 10/29/2017 9:18:26 AM (GMT-6)