Kaitlan said...
I've been going down the rabbit whole for weeks trying to find the answer to this question. I came across this doctor on YouTube. His channel has a ton of very informative short videos on this topic. Here are a few of the most relevant ones.
This one is a good overview of his thoughts on the subject.
This one gets more in depth about th1 and th2 immune responses.
This one explains which herbs to take and avoid depending on if you are th1 or th2 dominant. /youtu.be/zw6G0TH8c2M
This all makes a lot of sense to me. I still need to understand how one determines whether they are th1 or th2 dominant. And then of course if you have gotten to this autoimmune stage what is the best way to fight the root cause, the bacteria, without stimulating your autoimmunity and worsening your symptoms?
Thanks for those th1 links. I'm not sure how you figure if your th1 or th2, researched it in the past - was too vague.
Root cause if it was bacteria- issue with autoimmune it it doesnt always fix itself, thus the "auto" part. Like a runaway train. ABX did not eliminate my hashi antibodies. Same story with some others here in the past. As stated previously, diet did ..so far per actual antibody test, , but not all are normal....I'll retest in the future. Dr wont do it- I have to pay.