Hi physedgirl -
Here is a lot of info on yeast/fungus treatment:
Y/FO post in the "New to Lyme?" thread:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=1606610&g=3644275#m3644275Great comments on diet. Restrictions on sugars and simple carbs (that the body turns into sugar) are essential. But most people need an antifungal protocol to include antifungals. And most people who are on abx need antifungal meds - natural antifungals don't seem to work as well once yeast/fungus has already overgrown and you continue to take abx.
Lots more in that link above about
what to use to treat it.
The biggest risk you run either not treating it or taking too long to try different approaches that don't work or taking too low a dose of something - is that it gives the yeast/fungus time to build up resistance to what you're trying, and might also give it enough time to damage the mucosal lining of your GI, which can cause leaky gut and a ton of other problems. And generally, GI problems can interfere with Lyme & Co treatment. Best to hit it hard and fast and then implement a maintenance protocol.
Lots more about
that in that link, as well.
Hope that's helpful -