HI Jo,
I have not read pirouettes post and will certainly look for it today. As I mentioned with responding to Rikkys post, I just started beyond balance mc bb 2 and mc bar 2. Because my hearing issues have come to a head, I am literally trying to do damage control and get off the antibiotics as quickly as possible.
Knowing this is a marathon, I should have begun implementing this strategy several months ago. Unfortunately my former llmd at the time would not approve herbals....thinking that they interfere with the antibiotics. So feeling behind the proverbial eight ball at the moment.
A friend of mine just gave me buhners healing Lyme and I am anxious to begin checking this out. I am just trying to find the right balance which will allow me to reduce my pain and function so that I can work. There has to be a way to do this and I feel like it's a matter of finding the right combinations that will minimize ototoxicity and decrease neuropathy. I have my medical marijuana card and tried that route for a couple years. The cbd seemed to help with inflammation and the tech helped me with sleep without question. I am considering maybe giving this another shot to possibly help with the inflammation.
Wish Lyme and friends played by the rules