Read this article and discuss it with your LLMD before doing bioidenticals. Lyme and co complicate hormone therapy and results may not be as expected. Forewarned is forearmed.
www.gordonmedical.com/unravelling-complex-chronic-illness/lyme-neurotoxins-and-hormonal-factors/Look at any herbs and supplements you're taking and make sure they don't have anything causes your estrogen to drop. I took Vitex for 7 weeks and at that point I started having hot flashes, headaches and nausea. It made my estrogen go too low. I stopped the Vitex, and those symptoms went away. I did use Progon topical progesterone for about
a year. It helped some. I stopped it when I started Vitex, which works to raise progesterone and lower estrogen. I also take Estrosense. Still on that.
There's a good source of hormone information on this site, too, that I found get helpful.