Schiappaza said...
Hello. Please, did you find out the reason of the herxing from vitamin D? I'm experiencing the same thing and I'm not sure about the type of infection I have: It can be Lyme, bartonella or yeast... Thanks.
Wow this is a old one. Have not been on this site for awhile now.
So yes and no..I stopped treating for Lyme in June 2019. After a stall in Lyme treatment and similar bad bout with a Parasite protocol I dove into Heavy Metals.
What I ultimately discovered was I had/have Mercury, Lead, and Arsenic poisoning as my root issue.
I've been on the Andy Cutler Chelation (ACC) which is Heavy Metal Chelation since Dec 2018. While he wrote several books he died 5 months prior to me joining his support group he covered Vitamin D a bit but not extensively.
His take in his books was that if you react to a supplement anything negatively to stop taking it( the exception being that you can get a herx with Yeast treatment, and back off if you do and ramp up slowly)
Specifically on Vit D there was references in some of his site by people with Lead poisoning having a bad reaction to Vit D.. What is known is that Lead gets sequestered in the bones the theory is that Vit D pushes the Lead out of the bones making you feel like crap ,, Really bad. Same with too much sun..
I most definitely have lead poisoning and been treating for almost 3 years now. have not tried Vit D yet but I can most definitely tolerate the sun better and my Gout (Which is also lead) is pretty much gone now for 2 years..
Unfortunately is a very long process but a life change changer. Lead complicates Mercury chleation so I just now able to up my treatment for that.
I've wrote many post here a while back about
Lyme versus Heavy metal poisoning but in hindsight my early Chelation treatment made me very manic and combative. I still have my days but not nearly as often and able to control it much better.