TylerRho said...
Lyme Disease Ab, Quant, IgM 1.16 index 0.00 - 0.79 index
Negative <0.80
Equivocal 0.80 - 1.19
Positive >1.19
IgM levels may peak at 3-6 weeks post infection, then
gradually decline.
P93 Ab. Absent
P66 Ab. Present
P58 Ab. Present
P45 Ab. Absent
P41 Ab. Present
P39 Ab. Absent
P30 Ab. Absent
P28 Ab. Absent
P23 Ab. Absent
P18 Ab. Absent
Lyme IgG Wb Negative
Positive: 5 of the following
Borrelia-specific bands:
66, and 93.
Negative: No bands or banding
patterns which do not
meet positive criteria.
P41 Ab. Absent
P39 Ab. Absent
P23 Ab. Present
Lyme IgM Wb Negative
From reading around, Ive heard that p23 is a given factor in only Lyme bites. I suppose my question to you all is, Reading into Chronic Lyme symptoms i could say that i have been quiet effected in the last 5 years or so from many of the symptoms.
Is it too late for treatment? I have not yet followed up with my PCP regarding the test results. but am assuming he may just brush it off, i live in the northern VA area, and was bit at a posted Lyme Tick habitat. This is a regional park that is located near what use to be Lorton Federal Prison. Billboards around the park state that Lyme infested Ticks have been released into the area.. Now With these results would you recommend me having an ingenex test done? Are their tests more in depth? or do they simply qualify you as positive for less bands? Just curious as to all this and how many of my symptoms over these past years have been related to chronic lyme?
Thanks all
Hi Tyler, welcome to our community.
Band 23 is lyme specific and that plus the fact that you were bitten points to lyme disease. I would take these test results along with your symptom list to a LLMD appointment.
To find a LLMD, you can start a new thread: "looking for LLMD in/near____" and fill in the blank.
You can also send me an email and I will check if I have some LLMD's listed for your
We encourage our new members to read through the information package in the thread: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" (it sits at the top of the page)
One of THE best LLMD's Dr. H. listed these bands as significant to backing up a clinical diagnosis:
23(OspC), 31(OspA), 34(OspB), 39, and 83-93 kDa bands on the Western Blot.